The LaGrange Fire Department is responsible for fire protection, EMS assistance, and rescue calls in the City of LaGrange and the surrounding rural areas. We provide these services with a 24 member all volunteer Fire Department.
The Fire Department responds to calls with the use of 6 emergency vehicles, and a wide array of training. The department has 14 medical first responder's and 4 emergency medical technicians. We respond ahead of the ambulance on all medical calls. All member's are either trained or in the process of being trained to the level of basic firefighter through the University of Missouri Fire and Rescue Training Institute. We have member's trained to handle every emergency situation. The members of the Fire Department are encouraged to and are always attending more training and improving the technical level that the Fire Department can provide.
The vehicles we operate are a 2007 Pierce Pumper, 1989 E-1 Hurricane and a 1989 Grumman Pumper. We also operate a 1993 Brush truck, 1988 Mack tanker truck, and a 1991 Ford ambulance used as a rescue truck.
Fire Department meetings are held every first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. and every third Saturday at 8:00 a.m. All meetings and training sessions are held at the Fire station located at 704 Route C. The Wednesday session is a regular meeting of the member's followed by a short training session. The Saturday sessions are training sessions only.
We are always looking for new members and suggestions. Applications can be downloaded from the link below or can be picked up at the firehouse during one of the training sessions or at City Hall at 118 S. Main Street, LaGrange, Missouri 63448.